About ITDreamwire

We believe that access to the cloud requires a new generation of secure internet connectivity free from performance issues and outages. We believe in a hybrid cloud service that enables the use of multiple Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for failover, is optimized for Virtual Desktop and VoIP services, and prioritizes business-critical applications across the internet. The ITDreamwire hybrid cloud service replaces a costly and unresponsive single ISP model, with a modern SD-WAN foundation for services which are individualized to meet the needs of all tenants within a commercial building.

To bring this service into a building, we partner with the building owners/managers to create additional revenue streams from the internet service AND related IT services at their properties. We work with these properties to introduce a building based internet service model that enhances the property’s value to its tenants, and monetizes the services for the building. The service model revolves around multi-tenant buildings with ten or more tenants and two or more ISPs at each building location.