Dreamwire Internet SD-WAN Solution

We believe that access to the cloud requires a new generation of secure internet connectivity free from performance issues and outages. We believe in a quality service that enables the use of the cloud, is optimized for Virtual Desktop and VoIP services, and prioritizes business-critical applications across the internet. The Dreamwire service replaces a costly and unresponsive ISP model, with a modern SD-WAN services model individualized to the needs of all tenants within a commercial building. Below are features of the Dreamwire service that differentiate it from the ordinary internet connections at your building.

Our Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) solution enhances internet circuits with Intelligent Load Balancing, Dynamic QoS, Same IP Failover, and Plug and Play provisioning. When used as part of a redundant internet connection scheme it can optimize traffic, prioritize business services, provide seamless fail-over, offer better reliability, and enhance the quality of internet connectivity at your building.

Intelligent Load Balancing

Monitors circuit conditions, adapting load balancing in real-time to match application traffic needs to circuit performance. We use proprietary technology to identify SaaS and Cloud-hosted applications, VoIP, Citrix VDI, and RDP traffic, even when it’s inside an HTTPS connection. We then apply high-priority Load Balancing algorithms to put sessions on the circuits with the best performance at any moment in time. Dreamwire improves the performance of every Cloud across every Internet connection.

Dynamic QoS

Prioritizes VoIP, Cloud, and other real-time traffic across Internet connections. Your co-worker’s YouTube video won’t slow down your Salesforce session, or affect you phone call. Dreamwire protects VoIP calls from the effects of bad Internet, including dropped calls, choppy sound, and echoes. Our system prioritizes VoIP and routes calls over the cleanest ISP connection at any moment in time. Our software-driven network automatically identifies all traffic to prioritize data that would otherwise hog connection capacity.

Same IP Address Failover

The benefits of BGP without the hassle and cost. All applications (even VoIP) stay connected when a circuit fails. Dreamwire adds auto-failover, and Dynamic QoS to your existing VPNs. Keep your preferred firewalls and let our system provide the SD-WAN foundation to get better reliability and performance than MPLS.

Plug and Play Provisioning

Simple setup and service charges, no complex configuration required. We monitor each ISP connection, end-to-end, 10 times per second for packet-loss, latency, jitter, and capacity. We’re always available, via email and phone, to help you out.

If your building is not shown in the Building Portal lookup, GET QUOTE, and we will work with your building management to bring these services to your location!

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